“I Heard Your Laughter in the Light”

I Heard Your Laughter upload 3
I heard Your laughter in the light
when tore I free from tangled snares,
my feet towards the orchards ran,
awaiting broken wings to heal.

Amidst the darkness was the light,
unseen but by my aching heart,
a blinding light, the brightest white,
that wove a cloak of golden warmth.

A laughter deeper than the sound
of thunderbolts among the clouds,
the mountain echoes of the wind,
and rushing waves upon the sand.

I hear Your laughter in the light,
‘Tis when I know that You are near,
as close as closer than my breath,
my Life, my All, my purest Love.

D. G. Vachal © 2014

22 thoughts on ““I Heard Your Laughter in the Light”

  1. Hello Dee, my dear,

    If I might share my poor interpretation – as your verses spoke for me:

    Ensnared by the distractions of excessive wants – I tear free of these temporal treasures. I’ve been hurt (in this case, my cup is filled with brackish water) and need healing (need recharging with your Love).

    The word ‘but’ denotes that my reason had failed (my sight) but my aching heart (my faith) sees the light.

    A laughter that touches me deep. I discern your laughter in the light and realise how close You are – have always been.

    All good wishes and blessings for 2014,
    P/s I notice that you dropped off blogging a bit and am happy to have you back 🙂

    • Dear Eric,

      Thank you for your deeply insightful interpretation, which speak to me a great deal. The “reason vs faith” perspective hit home.

      If I may confess, this poem is a decades-after reflection on an actual almost mystical experience I encountered when I traveled to the United States for the first time to attend Graduate School. This was during Martial Law in the Philippines, and I almost did not make my plane because the Travel Agent botched up my papers, ie Exit Permit. It was a mad dash from the airport to the Travel Agent and back to the airport, and it was miraculous how I got on that plane. While boarding, with my heart pumping, at the left corner of my mind’s eye, I saw a blinding light, and I heard a holy laughter….and so this poem, which is a bit structured unlike my free verse poems, albeit absent of rhyme.

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this piece, Eric. As well, all good wishes and blessings for 2014.

      p.s. The holidays were hectic, starting from Thanksgiving on through New Year’s Day. Am glad to be back to blogging. 🙂

  2. I love this glorious poem which sings straight into my heart too, and I love your conversation with Eric – beautiful. I love the heavenly laughter and the Shining Light !… thank you so much..

  3. Gratitude and appreciation for this wonderfully written poem! I share this experience of seeing the white and golden light, the awareness of the Divine Presence and the awe of the joyful Oneness with It and with all that is everywhere. Such a great and wondrous Mystery! Many thanks for the beauty of the thoughts and feelings you share so eloquently through your poetry Dee.

    • Dear Shelley, I am so sorry for not responding to your comment for so long. I have been away from blogging due to the pressure of business and work. I do hope to be back as things quiet down a bit. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this poem, and I am glad that we share the same feelings about the great and wondrous Mystery! All my best wishes, Dee

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